Friday, June 6, 2008

Out of my reach

"Change is the only thing that does not change..."

Every waking moment of my life I thank God for being able to witness another sunrise. But as I take a moment to remember what was on my dream, there's this aching and unexplainable feeling that seem to cause some tears welling up behind my eyes.
They say a picture speaks a thousand word, what more if there's a thousand pictures flashing in my imagination. In my imagination came a picture of me when I was just a little kid and I was being carried in the arms of my grandfather. And it hurts to face the fact that it is now just a memory.
In my imagination there's another image I saw when I used to sit next to the boy I like and I can't bring myself up to tell him how I feel, he was the only one who can make me feel inspired enough to write those poetries below... And whats painful now is the regret I feel for ever telling him how I feel, If I just kept those feelings bottled up inside of me, perhaps I may have written a thousand more poetries for him
.. Well we just have to face that nothing is forever... I thought that I would be able to write for him as long as I have the thoughts... But things change and we can never change that.. People do forget, people do change, you just have to be emotionally strong to cope up with those changes...

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